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Alumni & Friends: Make a difference by mentoring a student this year

student and mentorSign up today to share your professional insight with a CSE student! Registration deadline is Friday, September 16.

The University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering (CSE) Mentor Program aims to give our students insight and guidance into what comes after graduation by matching industry professionals with current CSE sophomores, juniors, and seniors. As a mentor working one-on-one with a student just a few hours per month, you will help your student prepare for the transition from college life to the workplace as well as build your own coaching, communication, and leadership skills.

The program is open to both U of M alumni and non-alumni. The most important qualification you need to be a mentor is the desire to help a current student prepare for what's next and guide them in their journey from college to the workplace.

Returning mentor? If you participated last year you will be able to retrieve and update your registration. If you plan to keep the same student, please indicate that on the form.

Help us spread the word by telling your friends and colleagues.

The CSE Mentor Program will begin in October 2016 and continue until April 2017. The time commitment for mentors is approximately one to two hours per month.

2016-17 CSE Mentor Program Timeline

Aug. 2–Sept. 16: Mentor recruitment and registration
Sept. 6–Sept. 26: Student recruitment and registration
Oct. 3–Oct. 10: Program matching
Week of Oct. 10: Mentors and students are notified of matches
Oct. 25, 7-9 p.m.: Mentor Program Orientation and Kickoff
Nov. 10, 12-1 p.m.: Orientation webinar for mentors outside the Twin Cities area

For more information about mentor expectations and activities, visit or contact Joelle Larson, CSE Director of Alumni Relations at or 612-626-1802.

Interested in other ways you can connect with students?

Join the CSE Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Initiative Alumnae Network. The WISE Initiative seeks to create a community of women in STEM for support, advice, and socializing. To receive occasional invitations to events and volunteer opportunities, please complete the WISE Initiative alumni interest form.

Last Modified: 2018-08-16 at 12:10:30 -- this is in International Standard Date and Time Notation